Winston Academy
Level 1 - Bedside Stories (Winston)
The Fancy Dress PartyMr. Bell is a wealthy but cruel businessman. His driver Mark decides to murder ..
Level 1 - Robin Hood (Winston)
Robin Hood is the hero of the poor in England. He is the leader of a band of outlaws. They fight aga..
Level 1 - Robinson Crusoe (Winston)
Robinson Crusoe isn't happy with his life. He doesn't want to be a farmer or trader. Despite his fat..
Level 1 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Winston)
Tom was there and listening. Marry cried with all her heart and Tom could hear it. Mrs Harper said g..
Level 1 - The Withered Arm (Winston)
She looked towards the town with worried eyes. Her face was paler than before. She trembled with fea..
Level 2 - Black Beauty (Winston)
Black Beauty is a beautiful, strong and well-behaved horse. He is born in a farm with good masters. ..
Level 2 - Frankenstein (Winston)
Victor Frankenstein is the first born child of his family and is the idol of his parents. He loved r..
Level 2 - Little Women (Winston)
March girls; Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are four sisters. They live with their mother and servant Marmee...
Level 2 - Love Among The Haystacks (Winston)
Maurice was braver than his elder brother. His feelings for love were burning inside him and he did ..
Level 2 - Romeo and Juliet (Winston)
Romeo, of Montague family, is a young gentleman who is in the mood for love. Juliet, of Capulet fami..
Level 2 - Sherlock Holmes (Winston)
Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective who lives in Baker Street, London, and he is very good at his ..
Level 2 - Silas Marner (Winston)
Silas MarnerSilas Marner is a weaver who used to live in Lantern Yard.They falsely blamed him for th..
Level 2 - The Jungle Book (Winston)
Father Wolf and his family slowly made their way back to the cave. Upon arriving at the cave, Mother..
Level 3 - Ethan Frome (Winston)
Ethan Frome is a married man and lives with his wife, Zeena, and her cousin Mattie. Mattie helps Zee..
Level 3 - Jane Eyre (Winston)
Jane Eyre is an orphan. Since her uncle died, she lives with her uncle's wife and her cousins. The f..